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Plant Trust Professional Tree & Shrub Fertilizer


The easy, once a year way to provide trees and shrubs with everything they need to grow strong, healthy and beautiful

222 in stock

Plant Trust® Professional Tree & Shrub Fertilizer 21-5-12 The easy, once a year way to provide trees and shrubs with everything they need to grow strong, healthy and beautiful. Simply broadcast over the root zone at the rate of 2 ounces per foot of height. Plant Trust’s complete & balanced nutrient menu supports vigorous root systems and strong trunks and branches. Just one application feeds your trees and shrubs for an entire season. Feed deciduous trees in the fall and evergreens in the spring. The easy way to properly fertilize trees and shrubs.

  • Once a year is all it takes.
  • Feed deciduous trees in the fall, evergreens in the spring.
  • Supports vigorous root systems for healthy top growth.

Plant Trust® provides all the nutrients your trees and shrubs need. If you feed your lawn with Turf Trust®, you know how well your lawn responds to the complete nutrient menu Turf Trust® provides. Plant Trust® Tree & Shrub Fertilizer provides the same level of complete nutrition for your trees and shrubs. In a natural forest, the soil is enriched every year as each years leaves break down. The annual leaf fall and break down supports healthy forest soil biology. It may take many years of leaf fall to fully enrich the soil in a forest. When land is cleared for new sub-divisions, most of the topsoil is stripped away leaving dense sub-soil that is usually low in organic matter and nutrients. Plant Trust® Tree and Shrub fertilizer is the easy way to give your trees & shrubs everything they need to grow healthy and strong. Plant Trust® Tree and Shrub Fertilizer provides your trees and shrubs with the most complete nutrient matrix available. Our controlled release formulation makes fertilizing your trees and shrubs simple and efficient. Simply broadcast Plant Trust® Tree and Shrub Fertilizer throughout the root zone at a rate of 2 ounces per foot of plant height. One feeding per year is all it takes to provide your trees and shrubs with everything they need. Feed your trees and shrubs with Plant Trust® and prepare to be amazed!

Additional information

Weight 250 oz
Dimensions 14 × 12 × 4 in